Hosted By: Kendra McQuilton, CEO of Energia, and the Association of School Business Officials New York (ASBO NY)
Hosted On: April 30, 2020 at 2:00 PM

Description: In Part Two of our Three-Part Educational Webinar Series, Debunking Energy Performance Contract Myths: It’s Not Just Smoke and Mirrors, we discussed how EPCs help districts move capital projects forward in a cost-neutral way. During this unprecedented time when district’s budgets have been negatively impacted, EPCs provide a path forward to upgrade systems, and it’s not just smoke and mirrors. We briefly discussed the concept of an EPC (for more information, see Part One – Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) 101) along with the five myths and persistent areas of misinformation that surround EPCs resulting in districts overlooking them as a potentially LARGE funding mechanism. Learn their benefits, how to be guided most effectively, the foundation to ensure you receive your guaranteed savings, and the facts that will ensure your project succeeds.

Also, to learn more about EPCs and the myths surrounding them, see part one and three in our series:
Part One: Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) 101
Part Three: Energy Performance Contract Success: It’s as easy as M+V (Measurement and Verification)